Could Your Stinky Dumpster Get You in Norfolk Code Violation?

Dumpster-fullWith warm weather comes dumpster odor, but could your stinky dumpster put you in violation of a city ordinance?

Perhaps it could.

The City of Norfolk municipal code states that a stinky dumpster could put you in violation of Chapter 27: Nuisances. The definition, as contained in Section 27-2 is:

“… a ‘nuisance’ is defined as any condition, substance, material or thing which may be annoying, obnoxious, offensive, irritating or detrimental or potentially hazardous or detrimental to the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the public or the environment, including, but not limited to, refuse, trash, rubbish, debris, junk, garbage, containers, wire, glass, wood, ashes, animal matter, vegetable matter, human and animal wastes, and odors.”

If the stinky dumpster is not rectified within 48 hours from the first notice, you could be found guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.  Two or more notices and failure to comply could translate into a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Trust Cavalier to keep you out of stinky dumpster problems with Multi-Clean #17 Odor-Rite Tropical Fresh Odor Counteractant & Neutralizer.  It is a concentrate that can be sprayed directly on odor causing dumpsters, as well as garbage cans, diaper pails, and portable toilets.