Hand Sanitizer: Just a Teaspoon, Please

Use more than 1/2 teaspoon of hand sanitizer.We’ve all done it.  Squeezed hand sanitizer into our palms, rubbed our hands together, and then felt confident we’ve killed all the germs.  But have we?

How much hand sanitizer is needed to be effective?

In a German study, subjects applied hand sanitizing products on their hands that were infused with fluorescent dye.  The quality of the gel coverage was then determined by observation under an UV light.

The results?  It was determined that using less than ½ teaspoon of hand sanitizer did not provide adequate coverage of all hand surfaces, nor did it provide a high degree of effectiveness.

So the next time you reach for the hand sanitizer, think in terms of teaspoons to assure you are getting maximum coverage and effectiveness.

Check out our line of hand sanitizers